2007年5月6日 星期日

Galettes au Beurre

Galettes au Beurre 可譯做牛油薄餅葛雷多布列塔尼等等是法國一種扁平圓形的脆餅。單是麵粉,牛油,蛋糖這些原材料,只加了海鹽和 Rum 酒,就令全個餅平添了迷人的香氣做這餅要把它雪硬後,用模切出來掃兩次蛋黃水,每次要放雪櫃等它收乾水份後再掃。待乾後畫上花紋,用稍大的模套住焗至香脆。



Butter                           150 g

Icing Sugar                  60 g

Flour                              150 g

Sea Salt                        1.5 g

Baking Powder            1.5 g

Egg Yolk                       26 g

Vanilla                          As needed

Rum                              18 g

For the Egg Wash :     

Egg Yolk                       50 g

Water                           20 g

Coffee extract           5 g


Preheat the oven to 160

Soft the butter in room temperature

Beat the butter, salt and sugar until creamy

Add egg yolk and continue to beat until fluffy

Mix the flour and the baking powder

Freeze for at least 3 hours or overnight

Cut into same size brush with egg wash, chill

Brush again egg wash and cut the pattern with knife , chill again

Ring them with mould and bake for about 25 mins


