2009年8月21日 星期五

Green Tea Ice-cream

雪糕穩定劑(Ice-cream Stabilizer or Ice-cream Blinder)的功用在於令材料裡的水份凝膠化,令攪拌雪糕在凝固過程不易起冰粒,更能令雪糕幼滑,獨角仙比較過加與不加雪糕穩定劑的分別,加了的更像市售的雪糕。雪葩亦有專用的穩定劑,其不同是令水凝膠化,令雪葩更幼滑,但獨角仙未能買到雪葩穩定劑,未能和大家分享。法訂的雪糕穩定劑有長角豆提煉物、魚膠、瓊脂、海藻膠、果膠和瓊脂籽膠。


Vanilla Ice-cream

Whole Milk                    516g

Whipping Cream         165g

Vanilla Pod                   1 Pc

Inverted Sugar              40g

Egg Yolk                        90g

Sugar                            100g

Skim Milk Powder         50g

Ice-cream Stabilizer    2g

Bring whole milk, whipping cream, inverted sugar, cut in half vanilla pod to boil,

Whisk egg yolk with dry ingredients together to pale yellow , pour the milk mixture and cook at 85 for 2-3mins and quickly chill to 3 ,

Strain the mixture and set for 4 hours minimum in the refrigerator (over night for best result), stir, and strain one more time before churning in ice-cream machine,

Transfer to a container and freeze .


Green Tea Ice-cream

Green Tea Powder      25g

Whole Milk                    400g

Whipping Cream         270g

Egg Yolk                       30g

Sugar                             110g

Skim Milk Powder         40g

Glucose Powder         40g (葡萄糖粉)

Ice-cream Stabilizer       2 g

Bring whole milk, whipping cream to boil,

Whisk egg yolk with dry ingredients together to pale yellow , pour the milk mixture and cook at 85 for 2-3mins and quickly chill to 3 ,

Strain the mixture and set for 4 hours minimum in the refrigerator (over night for best result), stir, and strain one more time before churning in ice-cream machine,

Transfer to a container and freeze .

