2007年1月24日 星期三

Die Die Must Try Swiss Roll

這蛋卷參考中島真介Shinsuke Nakajima的精緻甜點總匯改編出來的,口感輕軟,蛋香樸鼻,非一般市售卷蛋可比。中島真介是日本Hotel New Otani新大谷飯店的糕餅主廚,曾與法國名餅師Pierre Herme共事。

做這蛋卷所用蛋黃極多,蛋黃的油份令蛋卷軟滑而所用的粟膠 (glucose)是幫助保持水份,要選用日本草莓配小糖打起的淡忌廉,才令整個蛋卷配合得天衣無縫 Die Die Must Try。最好你要有心理預備你的蛋白怎用!或許下回要貼一款用蛋白做的甜點吧。

Swiss Roll


Egg                        233 g

Egg Yolk               115 g

Sugar                    100 g

Flour                      55 g

Cornstarch           17 g

Baking Powder     3 g

Melted Butter      35 g

Glucose                10 g

Vanilla                  As needed

Cream                 As needed

Strawberry           As needed


Melt the butter with glucose

Sieve the flour with baking powder and cornstarch

On a hot water bath beat together egg, sugar and egg yolk until reach 35

Beat the egg mixture until foamy

Add in butter and glucose liquid

Fold in Flour, Spread on tray

Bake in 170 oven for about 15 mins

