2007年1月21日 星期日


我在自己公司的forum 用了一件Tenderness做個人照片,饞咀同事見了問我為什麼放隻鮑魚上出,令我啼笑皆非。 這小餅點法國人稱它Traveling Cake,是一些方便貯存,容意攜帶的一種餅點。做Tenderness要注意的是落麵粉後不可攪伴過度,剛混合就夠了,否則就會起筋,不夠軟滑。最好用橢圓形矽膠Savarin模焗製,如無,用一些金屬Savarin模也可,但要塗點油。放在中央的藍莓醬可隨意改成任何味道,如熱情果、紅莓等。


For the Tenderness Mixture

Almond Powder                                95 g

Icing Sugar                                          55 g

Egg                                                        95 g

Melted Butter                                     50 g

Flour                                                      15 g

Boiron Semi-candied Lemon or

Lemon Zest                                          20 g



Beat together almond powder and the sugar

Add egg gradually and whip for 3 mins

At slow speed add sieved flour and melted butter but do not beat the batter too firmly to ensure that the tenderness remain soft

add lemon and fill the mould to 2/3

Cover with a greaseproof paper or silpat and place on a grid

Bake at 180 until brown and baked through, about 20 mins.

Spray with orange syrup and spoon with blueberry filling.


For the Blueberry Filling:

Raspberry Puree                                50 g

Sugar                                                    30 g

Blueberry                                              Puree orblueberry         50g

Bring to Boil together and simmer until thick


For the syrup:

Orange Juice                                      100 g

Syrup                                                     100 g

Lemon Juice                                        20 g

Cointreau                                             as needed


Mix all together



