2006年10月16日 星期一


放假閒着沒事做,一早就打定了中種做提子包,誰不知我的亞B先生 (Cup Noodle 李雞麵)走過來,他媽去了做facial,常騙他去社會福利署,因他的病是有基金津貼的而他知道媽媽去了社署就有錢買玩具給他,這樣說才肯自已在家。他說要做疍撻,我問他要做多少,他說六個,我數給他看說:「公公婆婆、大咪媽、表哥、媽咪、細佬每人一個你自已咪無得食?」他想了想說做七個,如是者一直數,最後做了十五個。

Egg Tart


Swiss Paste

Butter                      115 g

Icing Sugar              55g

Egg                           20g

Cake Flour             135 g

Bread Flour            40 g

Salt                          a pinch

Egg Water

Egg                          125 g

Sugar                       50 g

Water                      170 ml

Evaporated Milk   28 ml

Salt                           1g

Vanilla Essences   as needed


Rub the Swiss paste onto the mould, put in the fridge for a while

Boil the water then dissolve the sugar

Remove from heat, pour in evaporated milk

Whisk the egg then mix with the milk syrup

Add vanilla, sieved, add colouring as needed.

Pour into the Swiss paste for about 3/4 full

Put in the 220 preheat oven and bake for about 12-14 mins (approx. 8 tarts)

